Friday, September 3, 2010

Ragingbear's Definition of ALS

ALS robs you of your physical abilities by slowly stripping them away in an agonizing and unrelenting manner while at the same time challenging you mentally as well as any perceptions of what you thought life really means. It doesn't just impact those who have it but anyone who is in the person's life especially their nuclear family. It can reek total devastation physically, financially, emotionally and spiritually on anyone it touches. It can be the ultimate destroyer of lives and families and is the monster that makes your worst nightmares insignificant by comparison.

However, ALS is also an opportunity to redefine your life and realize what is truly important in it. It is not easy and you must continually battle this monster once it enters your life but it can be tamed and locked in a cage to where you can live a happy and fulfilling life. In the end if you and those around you can summon the strength to fight the beast that is ALS not only will you discover the true beauty of this life but you will assure that while the monster might cause your death it will not take your life. I know this to be true because I have been fighting this monster officially for nearly 17 years and nearly 13 of that on a ventilator.

Your friend in the fight,.

Jeff Lester ~ THE Ragingbear